Our Services

We offer services that help your hospitals catch up and keep up.


Our theatre services include any elective surgery including, Gastroenterology procedures, Hernia, GA dental, and Elective surgery.




We offer a range of Radiography imaging services including MRI, CT Scans, Ultrasounds, Cardiac Echosonography, and general X-Rays.




Our clinics programme includes ENT, Ophthalmology, and Psychiatric clinics.





SEQURE Health’s trusted Gastroenterology service ensures swift clear up of wait-lists while guranteeing safe, quality diagnosis and treatment.


Transition hernia surgeries from Operating Theatres to Procedure rooms through the estabilshed and reliable Shouldice Hernia technique.

GA Dental

SEQURE solves unique issues public hospitals face through a tailored approach while achieving dramatic results.

Elective Surgery

Understanding and managing complex surgeries alongside cancer and acute cases. While providing bespoke solution for your hospital’s.

Radiography Imaging

SEQURE offers a range of radiography imaging services such as MRI, CT, Ultrasounds, and general X-Rays.

Cardiac Echosonography

We deliver high quality cardiac imaging services to your hospital while increasing capacity numbers drastically.


Our expert eye health services are designed to address gaps in the healthcare sector while delivering high quality eye care.


Level 11, 175 Victoria Street
Wellington 6011

PO Box 11-801
Wellington 6142


Tel 04 499 2624
email enquire@sequrehealth.com