by Sequre Health | Oct 13, 2021 | news
Coronavirus: Efforts to boost breast cancer screenings delayed by lockdowns Stuff Article | 13th October 2021 “The Breast Cancer Foundation estimates at least 133 New Zealanders have breast cancer and don’t know, due to screening delays caused by...
by Sequre Health | Oct 18, 2019 | news
Press Release – Health leaders set sights on fairer future Doctors and nurses say equal access to healthcare will be NZ’s biggest challenge when population hits 5 million. This Tuesday in Wellington, more than 50 of New Zealand’s top doctors, nurses, health...
by Sequre Health | Oct 14, 2019 | news
10 ways DHBs can save money and improve patient outcomes Insourcing You’ve heard the buzzword, but what does it mean? It’s worked overseas, and several New Zealand DHBs already do it. You may already be outsourcing to the private sector, but you could be insourcing...
by Sequre Health | Sep 11, 2019 | news
Is medical insourcing the new black? Health Central talks to two health professionals about how medical insourcing can help DHBs get out of the red and into the black when it comes to grappling with long waiting lists and increasing patient demands. Every few weeks,...
by Sequre Health | Aug 17, 2018 | news
Remote radiology service offers treatment for waiting lists A virtual radiology service being set up by SEQURE Health could double the capacity of District Health Boards to read X-rays, CT Scans, MRI Scans and Ultrasounds. Sponsored article. A virtual radiology...